Make your social conversation and your presentations come alive with humor
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101 Humorous One-liners
By Speaker Mike Moore
Dear Friend
I’m Mike Moore and I am a professional speaker/cartoonist/humorist in the area of Humor/Laughter/Attitude and Human Wellness.
My cartoons, short humor and articles have appeared in publications online and offline throughout Canada and the USA .
For many years I have believed strongly in the power of positive thoughts to radically change our lives for the better. And there are no stronger thoughts than positive humor and postive attitude.
I’m Mike Moore and I am a professional speaker/cartoonist/humorist in the area of Humor/Laughter/Attitude and Human Wellness.
My cartoons, short humor and articles have appeared in publications online and offline throughout Canada and the USA .
For many years I have believed strongly in the power of positive thoughts to radically change our lives for the better. And there are no stronger thoughts than positive humor and postive attitude.
Here are a few thoughts to think about:
* When I really understood that my primary aim was to feel and experience joy then I began to do those things which brought me joy.”
Jack Canfield ( Chicken Soup for the Soul)
* ” Joy, love, freedom, happiness and laughter. That’s what it’s all about.”
Neil Donald Walsch
* When I really understood that my primary aim was to feel and experience joy then I began to do those things which brought me joy.”
Jack Canfield ( Chicken Soup for the Soul)
* ” Joy, love, freedom, happiness and laughter. That’s what it’s all about.”
Neil Donald Walsch
* ” Love makes the world go around and laughter makes the ride fantastic.” M. Moore
* To be happy think happy thoughts.
Your task is clear… If you want to create a life that is joyful, fun, filled with good health and happiness then commit to THE HA PRINCIPLE
( Humor and Attitude)
Humorous one-liners can work wonders to help you get more joy and laughter out of life and improve both your social conversation and your presentations.