My Parent/Teacher/School Resource Page

An Anti-bullying Program that Works!

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all know that bullying exists and is having a disastrous impact on the health and well-being of our young people. What we need to know is what we can do aboWeut it so that every child is cherished and respected and has an opportunity to achieve their unique potential in a kind and affirming community.

What I want to do with this booklet is provide parents with an easily accessible reference guide that gives them effective tips, tools and techniques to use to develop a bully proof child.

While it might be unrealistic to think that we can stop bullying completely we can do a great deal to give our children the necessary tools and techniques to master the art of verbal self-defense whenever and wherever they are confronted by bullies.

It is important to realize that people bully others because it works for them and we let them get away with it. If we can make it so it doesn’t work for them and we won’t let them get away with it we have a good chance of changing this destructive behaviour.

Why do bullies bully? Well, they bully others for 4 reasons.
1. Attention
2. Power
3. Revenge
4. Inadequacy

When attempting to put a stop to antisocial behaviour like bullying we must always keep in mind what motivates it. Responding to the behaviour without considering what motivates it is futile.

Guarantee… If you don’t like the 41 tips contained in my Bullyproof pocket guide all you have to do is ask for your money back and it will be done.

Click Here to order your digital copy for only $5.00

You can order hard copies for only $8.00 ( shipping and handling included)


Hard copies are available

IMPORTANT… Many parents and teachers are ordering multiple hard copies of How to Bully-proof Your Child and giving them out to family, friends and parents of students.

TRUE STORY I recently had an order from a Canadian teacher for 19 hard copies of How to Bullyproof Your Child. She wanted to give the parents of each of her student a copy. This is a good example of on the same page thinking.

If you are interested in doing this there are wholesale prices available. Just fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and I will get back to you ASAP with prices and details.

Traditional Method of Ordering… If you prefer, you can order a hard copy of my pocket guide by sending $8.00 ( shipping and handling included) via money order or personal cheque/check to Mike Moore 193 Balmoral Dr. Brantford ON Canada N3R7S2 I will send you your signed copy by return mail.

Related Resources for parents, teachers and schools



How to Create a Bully-Free Classroom


Order Your Booklets as Digital Downloads


Multiple hard copy orders can be arranged. If interested, contact me using the contact form to the right and I will get right back to you. Special discounts available.

Mike Moore Speaking

About Mike Moore

Mike has been involved in providing workshops, seminars and motivational presentations for groups in business, industry, government, education and the helping professions for 25 years. All his presentations involve good content, music, humor and story.

He speaks to organizations, businesses and professional groups throughout Canada and the United States on the role of humor in human relations and human wellness. Mike is the author and illustrator of three very popular books- Light Up With Laughter, Embracing the Mystery and You Know You’re Stressed Out When…


Mike’s Best Seller

Embrasing the Mystery Book Cover
One of Mike's Best Sellers, click on the image to purchase it, or click here to visit the store and view other products.

Visit Mike’s Other Websites


Published Works

• You’ve Got to Laugh (cartoons for and about teachers)
• Embracing the Mystery (wit and wisdom from a life in progress)
• Light Up With Laughter (the humor and Health connection)
• Live, Laugh, Love and Be Happy (audio CD/ cassette)
• Dealing With Difficult People (manual)
• Humor in the Workplace (manual)
• You’re Not Alone (How to Parent Teens and Stay Sane)
• How to Cope With Difficult People at Work
• You Know You're Stressed Out When...
• Coping With Toxic Parents (a teachers’ survival guide)
• How to Improve Staff Morale With Humor, Appreciation and Praise (Special Report)
• How to Deliver " Knock ‘Em Dead" Business Presentations (Special Report)