Live the life you were meant to live, not the one you feel has been thrust upon you.”
Mike Moore
CONSIDER THIS… We spend between 500 and 1000 hours a year in our cars.
If you live to be 75 you have spent between 7 to 10 years in your automobile.
“Discover How To Be Happy
In A Troubled World”
“Live Laugh Love And Be Happy”
A HOT NEW Audio MP3 By Canada’s leading authority on Therapeutic Humor Mike Moore
( Simple and effective tips, tools and techniques to help you be happy in an Unhappy world)
Humour and Attitude in the Quest for Happiness
( How to Squeeze Every Drop of Happiness and Fun Out of the Only Life You Have.)
Just look around you and you’ll see millions living lives of desperation…
oppressed by stress, anxiety, depression, anger, violence, abuse, sleeplessness, worry…The list goes on…
Well I’m here to tell you it wasn’t meant to be this way and it doesn’t have to be this way!
YOU can Choose to Be Happy
These Quotations Got me off my unhappy buns and back into joyful living.
They Changed My Life and Can Change Yours
“Your life has an expiration date.”
“The tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer, but in how much we fail to enjoy.”
“Wouldn’t it be tragic to come to the end of your life and discover that you never really lived?”
“Everybody dies – few really live.” Anon
Everything we do in life is motivated by a quest for happiness.
The answers you give to these questions will tell you a great deal about the life you are leading and the changes you need to make:
- Do I get angry too quickly and stay angry too long
- Do I find myself rushing even when I don’t have to?
- Am I worried and upset a lot of the time?
- Am I anxious and highly stressed in my daily life?
- Do I laugh as much as I used to?
- Do I rise in the morning with a sense of joy and anticipation?
- Do I enjoy the company of people or do I find them a pain in the butt?
- Do I take time each day to relax my mind and body?
Hi Friend
My name is Mike Moore and for years I would speak (between 30 and 40 times) to organizations throughout Canada and the USA on the importance of what I call my HA Principle in living full, happy and productive lives. HA stands for HUMOUR and ATTITUDE.
They are the two things you simply MUST have to achieve health,happiness, success and likeability… A positive attitude and a sense of humour. I’ll show you how to get both in a few moments.
There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it folks, developing a positive attitude and a sense of humor are absolutely VITAL to living the life you were meant to live, want to live and always dreamed of living. The literature is clear on this. When you have a positive attitude and a sense of humour nothing can defeat or discourage you ( for too long anyway)
You will find people wanting to be in your company because you’re so much fun to be with and so positive.
- Your relationships will improve and you will achieve so much more of your unlimited and yet underachieved potential. with a positive attitude and a happy spirit.
- People who laugh together last together.
Findings on Humor and Attitude
- A Harvard study followed a large group of grads for a long time throughout their careers. They found that 85% of the success achieved by the grads was due to attitude and only 15% due to aptitude.
- Our lives are built on the attitudes we possess. We are what we think about all day.
- Humor is called social glue because it bonds us to people and people to us.
- Humor is also called social lubricant because it reduces social friction.
- Humor cuts stress in half, reduces blood pressure, enhances the immune system, gives us more energy and makes us feel good about life.
- A sense of humor makes us more attractive to people sexually. Ask anyone why they were attracted to their soulmate and they will usually say a sense of humor. “They make me laugh.”
- Best of all a sense of humor can be developed and negative attitudes transformed to positive in as little as 21 days.
The Existing Reality…
- The World Health Organization says that by the year 2020 depression will be the leading cause of disability throughout the developed world.
- 80% of us have low self esteem and 20% need a boost.
- We live in an age of rage: road rage, air rage and now work rage.
- We only achieve between 2 and 5 percent of our potential.
- Joy has vanished from our lives.
- Uncontrolled stress is killing us.
- While children laugh over 400 time a day, adults can manage only 15.
- Fear rules our lives: fear of getting old, fear of failure, rejection, death, etc.
If any of these apply to you ( And I know they do), then it’s time to take action NOW to RETURN TO JOY.
Remember that joy and happiness are our birthrights, so fight for them. Life is too wonderful not to be enjoyed.
Hey,,, we aren’t here for a long time so let’s make it a good time!!
That’s why I wrote and recorded ” Live Laugh Love and Be Happy” so we can all enjoy to the MAX the only life we have.
Go for it!!! Mike Moore
Happiness is not found within a certain set of circumstances but within a certain set of attitudes.
Rediscover the role of humor and positive attitude in your search for happiness