Lifeline Photo Quotes and Cartoon Quotes To Give your Life a Lift and a Laugh
Samples of what you receive in Mike’s Lifeline every three weeks.
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Lifeline will also include short humourous quotes, one-liners, inspirational items and funny articles
True Story.
After one of my talks a man came up to me and said,” I bought your book ” Light Up With
Laughter” the last time I heard you speak and now I keep it in the bathroom and read it often.
” Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he added, ” I really find it moves me.”
I started to laugh and said,” Well , if you’re going to be moved that’s the place you want it to happen.”
The Road Less Traveled
My Marriage has unraveled because of Robert Frost.
When I take the road less traveled my wife insists I’m lost.
Bob McKenty
* What Can You Say After This?
I noticed that my gas gauge was pushing empty and decided to pull into a service station to fill up.
A nice young man about 35 years of age began filling the tank as I made small talk to pass the time.
He had a rather sad look about him so I said, ” How are things going, Buddy?” He looked at me and replied, ” Other than the
fact that I’m living from pay to pay, making minimum wage and find it impossible to get a woman to go out with me….Fantastic.