Lifeline Photo Quotes and Cartoon Quotes To Give your Life a Lift and a Laugh

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Lifeline will also include short humourous quotes, one-liners, inspirational items and funny articles

True Story.

After one of my talks a man came up to me and said,” I bought your book ” Light Up With

Laughter” the last time I heard you speak and now I keep it in the bathroom and read it often.

” Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he added, ” I really find it moves me.”

I started to laugh and said,” Well , if you’re going to be moved that’s the place you want it to happen.”

The Road Less Traveled

My Marriage has unraveled because of Robert Frost.

When I take the road less traveled my wife insists I’m lost.

Bob McKenty

* What Can You Say After This?

I noticed that my gas gauge was pushing empty and decided to pull into a service station to fill up.

A nice young man about 35 years of age began filling the tank as I made small talk to pass the time.

He had a rather sad look about him so I said, ” How are things going, Buddy?” He looked at me and replied, ” Other than the

fact that I’m living from pay to pay, making minimum wage and find it impossible to get a woman to go out with me….Fantastic.

Mike Moore Speaking

About Mike Moore

Mike has been involved in providing workshops, seminars and motivational presentations for groups in business, industry, government, education and the helping professions for 25 years. All his presentations involve good content, music, humor and story.

He speaks to organizations, businesses and professional groups throughout Canada and the United States on the role of humor in human relations and human wellness. Mike is the author and illustrator of three very popular books- Light Up With Laughter, Embracing the Mystery and You Know You’re Stressed Out When…


Mike’s Best Seller

Embrasing the Mystery Book Cover
One of Mike's Best Sellers, click on the image to purchase it, or click here to visit the store and view other products.

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Published Works

• You’ve Got to Laugh (cartoons for and about teachers)
• Embracing the Mystery (wit and wisdom from a life in progress)
• Light Up With Laughter (the humor and Health connection)
• Live, Laugh, Love and Be Happy (audio CD/ cassette)
• Dealing With Difficult People (manual)
• Humor in the Workplace (manual)
• You’re Not Alone (How to Parent Teens and Stay Sane)
• How to Cope With Difficult People at Work
• You Know You're Stressed Out When...
• Coping With Toxic Parents (a teachers’ survival guide)
• How to Improve Staff Morale With Humor, Appreciation and Praise (Special Report)
• How to Deliver " Knock ‘Em Dead" Business Presentations (Special Report)