• 25 simple and effective parenting strategies.

    Frustrated with your children? Improve your current relationship as a parent of teens, to what you it to want be.

    Remember: If parenting was meant to be easy it wouldn't begin with something called labor. Learn the secrets of How to Parent Teenagers and Stay Sane. Shipping included.
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  • Sale!

    Embracing The Mystery (Softcover)

    Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.00.
    Life is a mystery to be lived and enjoyed to the fullest, not a problem to be solved or endured. Using stories and humour taken from his talks and seminars, this book presents his belief in the wonder and mystery of life. Mike also communicates his strong belief that "Happiness , joy and peace of mind should be our main objectives in life."
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • Do you know that each one of us has about 62,000 thoughts pass through our mind every day…..AND MOST OF THEM ARE NEGATIVE If our thoughts are negative then our attitudes will be negative and when our attitudes are negative our life will be negative.. Aging well demands positive thinking and positive action. "How to Avoid Getting Old No Matter How Long You Live." Provides tips, tools and techniques to live life to the fullest in an easy to read format.

    BUY NOW! It's a purchase you won't regret when you see what it can do for your outlook on aging.

    Want More Information first, see the description below or take a look at a blog post where I share how one of my audience members knew how important it was for his family to hear the messages contained in this book.  
  • ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Fight the three main reasons people bully others: 1. We let them get away with it. 2. It works for them. 3. They get satisfaction being mean and cruel to others. Discover 41 ways to bully-proof your child with an Anti-bullying Program that Works! (Shipping included)
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • This booklet provides busy teachers with a easily accessible reference guide that provides them with tips, tools and techniques to use to develop a bully-free classroom. Bulk orders for schools available at a discount!
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • People remember stories! Of all the stories we listen to, the ones we treasure most are the ones that make us laugh and make us cry, in that order. In “ Light Up with Laughter ”I will be telling you many stories, most of which will focus on making you laugh and in the process, hopefully, get the very important point across that humour is good for our health. Humour is the number 1 survival skill cartoonThe world needs humour and laughter in a BIG WAY!! Reasons why you need this great book:
    • Stress is making us ill and even killing us
    • We're living in an age of Rage
    • Violence continues to hurt and divide us
    • We can't get along with one another at home, at work and even at play
    • We live in fear of so many things and we worry constantly about things that will never happen
    • Huge numbers of us are on antidepressants and tranquilizers (28 million Americans are on antidepressants)

    Order Your Copy Today! Money back guarantee. Need more information.... see the details below. Or get this free download that has a sampling of content from the book.
  • Magnetize the power of your messages, memos, ads, promotions, presentations and web pages using simple cartoons. Make your message stand out in a crowd!
    Order Yours Today!
  • Learn How to Start a Part-time/Full-time Motivational Speaking Business that Can Quickly Generate $5000+ a Month In Extra Income
  • "I’m not afraid of dying, I just don’t want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen Make your social conversation and your presentations come alive with humour. Humorous one-liners can work wonders to help you get more joy and laughter out of life and improve both your social conversation and your presentations.
    Order Yours Today!
  • Special Report: The life changing power of positive thought. Change your thoughts and change your life. Put the Law of Expectation to work for you bringing about huge positive changes in your life in health, wealth and relationships.
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  • The Awesome Power of Positive Thinking - 121 Thoughts of Hope, Joy and Inspiration for Daily Living Special Report: The life changing power of positive thought. Change your thoughts and change your life. Put the Law of Expectation to work for you bringing about huge positive changes in your life in health, wealth and relationships.
    Order Yours Today!
  • Downloadable PDF with 121 tips on successfully speaking in public for serious profit levels.
  • 25 simple and effective parenting strategies.

    Frustrated with your children? Improve your current relationship as a parent of teens, to what you it to want be.

    Remember: If parenting was meant to be easy it wouldn't begin with something called labor. Learn the secrets of How to Parent Teenagers and Stay Sane.

    Order Your Copy Today!

  • The exact process used to get between 30 and 40 paying speaking engagements a year throughout Canada and the U.S.A. - without ever having to cold call a potential client.
    • Learn how to access the lucrative youth market
    • How to get paying gigs by offering to deliver free speeches
    • Maximize the power of word of mouth promotion
    Order Yours Today!
  • "Isn't That The Truth" 42 Health Care Cartoons For Care Givers. Great For Staff Newsletters, Office Bulletin Boards, Websites, Waiting Rooms Or On Refrigerator Doors
    Order Yours Today!
  • We MUST learn to manage student stress without the use of drugs. Using artificial stimulants dull our senses just when we need to be as sharp possible. That's why I wrote “ 53 Natural Stress Busters” (A student Pocket Guide) Represent a school? Contact us regarding bulk orders at huge discounts. Prices include shipping.
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • We MUST learn to manage student stress without the use of drugs. Using artificial stimulants dull our senses just when we need to be as sharp possible. That's why I wrote “ 53 Natural Stress Busters” (A student Pocket Guide)
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • Live Happily in a Stressed Out World. Each day we experience over 50 stress inducing situations with absolutely no idea how to manage them…until now. Learn how to relax and squeeze every drop of happiness, fun and peace of mind from the only life you have.
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  • Live Happily in a Stressed Out World Each day we experience over 50 stress inducing situations with absolutely no idea how to manage them…until now. Learn how to relax and squeeze every drop of happiness, fun and peace of mind from the only life you have.
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  • 71 tips in an easy-to-read ebooklet on aging with humour and attitude.

    "Do not grow old no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great Mystery into which we were born." - Albert Einstein
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • Get 71 tips in this easy to read booklet on aging with humour and attitude.

    "Do not grow old no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great Mystery into which we were born." - Albert Einstein
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • 19 page downloadable digital file with contents on Coping With Toxic Parents. This guide is targeted to Teachers and provides practical strategies for dealing with difficult parents.
  • If there is one profession that needs to manage stress more effectively it’s the teaching profession. In my work as a speaker to teachers I frequently get asked to address the issues of teacher burnout and stress. So off I go with my practical suggestions, cartoons, stories and music to work with the profession I love and have been a part of for so many years. Available to access in this simple e-book format.
  • Life is a mystery to be lived and enjoyed to the fullest, not a problem to be solved or endured. Using stories and humour taken from his talks and seminars, this book presents his belief in the wonder and mystery of life. He also communicates his strong belief that "Happiness , joy and peace of mind should be our main objectives in life." Illustrated with Moore's original cartoons. 105 pages.
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • Do you know that each one of us has about 62,000 thoughts pass through our mind every day…..AND MOST OF THEM ARE NEGATIVE If our thoughts are negative then our attitudes will be negative and when our attitudes are negative our life will be negative.. Aging well demands positive thinking and positive action. "How to Avoid Getting Old No Matter How Long You Live." Provides tips, tools and techniques to live life to the fullest in an easy to read format.

    Download NOW! It's a purchase you won't regret when you see what it can do for your outlook on aging.

    Want More Information first, see the description below or take a look at a blog post where I share how one of my audience members knew how important it was for his family to hear the messages contained in this book.

    Get the Ebook version: Easily download this excellent collection of cartoons in high detail digital form.

    • Reference anywhere, anytime
    • Makes an excellent gift
    • Easily Portable
    • Entertaining and inspirational
    • All the humour you're looking for in one place
  • Everyone wants to be funny and entertaining when engaged in social interaction but many have difficulty doing so. In this PDF booklet  we'll help unleash your Humor Potential.
  • How to Become an Inspirational and Charismatic Speaker. Be the person every event planner wants at their next presentation. Up Your Platform Pizzazz NOW!
    Order Yours Today!
  • ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Fight the three main reasons people bully others: 1. We let them get away with it. 2. It works for them. 3. They get satisfaction being mean and cruel to others. Discover 41 ways to bully-proof your child with an Anti-bullying Program that Works!
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • Learn how to effectively cope with difficult people at work. With the help of this handy publication, you can diffuse the impact those with poor attitudes have on your workforce, and begin creating a healthier work environment today.
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • Learn how to effectively cope with difficult people at work. With the help of this handy publication, you can diffuse the impact those with poor attitudes have on your workforce, and begin creating a healthier work environment today.
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • This e-booklet provides busy teachers with an easily accessible reference guide that provides them with tips, tools and techniques to develop a bully-free classroom.
    Order Your Copy Today!
  • How to Overcome Shyness and Connect with People" contains all the strategies I used to overcome the terrible scourge of shyness. Simple, effective strategies to overcome shyness, make friends, build self confidence and become more comfortable in social situations.
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  • In this PDF we will show you how to create a "Thank God it's Monday" workplace. Creating a positive culture at work using Humor and Recognition!
  • People remember stories! Of all the stories we listen to, the ones we treasure most are the ones that make us laugh and make us cry, in that order. In “ Light Up with Laughter ”I will be telling you many stories, most of which will focus on making you laugh and in the process, hopefully, get the very important point across that humour is good for our health. Humour is the number 1 survival skill cartoonThe world needs humour and laughter in a BIG WAY!! Reasons why you need this great book:
    • Stress is making us ill and even killing us
    • We're living in an age of Rage
    • Violence continues to hurt and divide us
    • We can't get along with one another at home, at work and even at play
    • We live in fear of so many things and we worry constantly about things that will never happen
    • Huge numbers of us are on antidepressants and tranquilizers (28 million Americans are on antidepressants)

    Download Your Copy Today! Money back guarantee. Need more information.... see the details below. Or get this free download that has a sampling of content from the book.
  • "The tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer but in how much we fail to enjoy."

    LIVE , LAUGH, LOVE and BE HAPPY. Discover the simple secrets to your own happiness with this exclusive audio program.
  • "The tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer but in how much we fail to enjoy."

    LIVE , LAUGH, LOVE and BE HAPPY. Discover the simple secrets to your own happiness with this exclusive audio program.
  • If you are an aspiring or novice speaker you can jumpstart your speaking skills by getting personalized expert advice from Mike. With your purchase you'll immediately have access to download Mike's publication 121 Profitable Speaking Tips and with that download you will receive all the information you need to get started on setting up your 30 minute coaching session. If you are really interested in getting into the exciting and profitable field of paid public speaking. You can now book a one-on-one private coaching session with Mike in which he will answer all your questions related to the art and business of paid public speaking. Not ready for paid public speaking yet, Mike can still offer personalized advice to help you with your public speaking goals, be it a wedding speech, business presentation or just talking in a group of friends or strangers. Get more information about the consulting services below. Just interested in the publication 121 Profitable Speaking Tips, get it here on our store by using this link. 121 Profitable Speaking Tips
  • Learn How to Start a Part-time/Full-time Motivational Speaking Business that Can Quickly Generate $5000+ a Month In Extra Income
  • 30 Life Lesson Stories for Parents and Teacher in a downloadable pdf format
  • In this special report e-book download I would like to share with you my self improvement seminar notes on the subject to help you live more confidently and explode your untapped potential.
  • "When You Speak Well You Do Well"

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stand in front of 300 people and speak with confidence, wit and charm and have them in the palm of your hand for 60 solid minutes? Take it from me... It's the greatest feeling in the world. Learn more in my downloadable report "The Art of Fearless Speaking".
  • The Art Of Magnetic Storytelling

    The Astonishing Secrets to Becoming An Entertaining and Captivating, Storyteller. Get the audio ebook MP3 Download upon payment!
    Order Yours Today!
  • Discover the Secrets to Taming the Toxic People in Your Life:
    • How to stand 10' tall in every situation and never be taken advantage of again.
    • How to triple your confidence in every situation.
    • One simple phrase that will stop verbal abusers in their tracks.
    • How to say NO without fear, guilt. or apology.
    • How to overcome your fear of not being liked if you assert yourself.
    • Why people are toxic in the first place.
    • Plus much, much more...
      Order Your Copy Today!
  • How to Write, Record and Sell Your Own Information Products”  is a downloadable PDF that provides strategies and techniques to help you learn how to make money with your knowledge.
  • A 50 page downloadable e-document for teachers about teachers. The document purchase comes with permission to use each cartoon in newletters, inservice sessions, on bulletin boards etc. A chance to take a funny look into the lighter side of teaching.
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