A Random Act of Kindness

A second year university student had reluctantly taken a part time job selling door to door to make ends meet. He didn’t like the job but the pay was good and he certainly needed the money.

One afternoon while selling in a nice middle class neighborhood he decided to forget his pride and ask the person in the next house if they could spare a bite to eat.
When the door opened he quickly decided against it and just asked for a glass of water.
The woman of the house smiled and disappeared into the kitchen returning within seconds with a plate of freshly made chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.
When the young man asked what he owed her for the wonderful snack she said, ” We don’t charge for kindness in this house.”

Years later this same woman became very ill and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment. When the specialist entered the Emergency room to examine her he recognized her immediately. She was the milk and cookies lady from his days as a salesman.

The treatment he prescribed was effective and within a couple of days she was ready to return home. Her only worry now was how she was going to pay the hospital bill .
Before leaving she went to the Billing office to find out the damage and discuss payment options. When she got there she was handed a note and told that the bill had been paid in full with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

When she opened the note it read, ” I don’t charge for kindness.” It was signed A Hungry College Student from your past.

Stories inform, entertain, make us laugh, make us cry and reinforce our values. We all love stories and can’t get enough of them.

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Mike Moore Speaking

About Mike Moore

Mike has been involved in providing workshops, seminars and motivational presentations for groups in business, industry, government, education and the helping professions for 25 years. All his presentations involve good content, music, humor and story.

He speaks to organizations, businesses and professional groups throughout Canada and the United States on the role of humor in human relations and human wellness. Mike is the author and illustrator of three very popular books- Light Up With Laughter, Embracing the Mystery and You Know You’re Stressed Out When…


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Published Works

• You’ve Got to Laugh (cartoons for and about teachers)
• Embracing the Mystery (wit and wisdom from a life in progress)
• Light Up With Laughter (the humor and Health connection)
• Live, Laugh, Love and Be Happy (audio CD/ cassette)
• Dealing With Difficult People (manual)
• Humor in the Workplace (manual)
• You’re Not Alone (How to Parent Teens and Stay Sane)
• How to Cope With Difficult People at Work
• You Know You're Stressed Out When...
• Coping With Toxic Parents (a teachers’ survival guide)
• How to Improve Staff Morale With Humor, Appreciation and Praise (Special Report)
• How to Deliver " Knock ‘Em Dead" Business Presentations (Special Report)