RESOURCES – Speak For Profit
“Everything You Need to Know to Earn a Six Figure Income as a Speaker”
When it comes to learning the speaking business you can do it all yourself by trial and error or you can work, one on one, with someone who is actively earning a living in the field. If you know you are ready to look at a professional speaking career, Mike can help.
* I will show you the simple system I use to earn fees of between $2000 and $2500 for a one hour speech.
* I will also reveal the simple non threatening strategies I use to get 20 – 30 high paying speaking gigs a year. ( I NEVER COLD CALL)
* You will discover the publishing system I use to produce books, special reports and audio CDS to sell as back of the room items after each speech.
Don’t Envy the Successful Professional Speaker… Be One.
It’s impossible to fail, successful Speaking Secrets that will create for you the speaking career you’ve always dreamed of.
What you are about to learn will undoubtedly launch your profit pulling speaking business into outer space.
Yes it’s really true…
There is a simple process that I will teach you that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be in the world of successful, profitable speaking.
Imagine living the life you’ve always wanted to live and making more money from speaking in three hours than most people earn in one month.
All this is possible in fact it happens monthly to me.
And it happens to people throughout the world who follow my Speaking for Profit and Pleasure System.
Not Quite Sure About Public Speaking Yet
If you are not sure whether you want to make the leap into professional speaking then try some of these external resources to learn more and if you do decide to move forward then come back to get Mike to help bring you to success!
Paid Speaking Opportunities: The Beginner’s Guide
This article courtesy of Speaker Hub brings you some starting advice and reasons to consider professional paid speaking.
It’s not always easy to speak in public or prepare speeches for special occasions. We give you tips to help you overcome your fears and become an excellent public speaker.
Public Speaking with Tom Antion
Tom Antion is a fun and exciting keynote speaker and seminar leader. Tom is the author of numerous books, and tapes that help small business. He has some great resources for those looking to become a paid speaker.